Rosemary Magnesium Oil Lotion Spray


First off, Why should you consider a magnesium spray?

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. Magnesium functions include helping with muscle and nerve function, regulating blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can range from trouble concentrating, dizziness and excessive menstrual pain to fatigue, headaches, muscular twitching and spasms and heart palpitations. Common symptoms also include constipation, food cravings, loss of appetite, muscle cramps, irritability, and anxiety.

Magnesium therapy may help prevent or relieve headaches. This is because a magnesium deficiency can affect neurotransmitters and restrict blood vessel constriction.

People who experience migraines may have lower levels of magnesium in their blood and body tissues compared with others. Magnesium levels in a person's brain may be low during a migraine.

Low magnesium can contribute to bloating, mood symptoms, and breast tenderness in PMS.

Magnesium levels may play a role in mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. Low magnesium levels may have links with higher levels of anxiety. This is partly due to activity in the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is a set of three glands that control a person's reaction to stress.

The use of chemicals, such as fluoride and chlorine, bind to magnesium, lowering magnesium levels, along with the use of common substances - such as sugar and caffeine which also deplete the body's magnesium levels.

Without magnesium, your body can't perform the "mechanics" of digestion, As soon as you put food into your mouth, magnesium comes into play. It helps to make enzymes in your saliva that break food down into smaller parts, helping the entire digestive process. The hormones that tell your stomach to produce digestive acid need magnesium to be made; without it, you can't digest food properly and may experience constipation and other digestive issues.

Magnesium prepares your body for sleep by relaxing your muscles. It also helps to "shut your mind off," and calms your nerves by regulating two of your brain's messenger chemicals called melatonin and glutathione. Magnesium is essential to maintain a healthy sleep cycle. Getting enough of this mineral helps reduce and prevent some sleep disorders.

Magnesium may also prevent restless leg syndrome that contributes to sleep loss in some people. Magnesium does this not only by relaxing muscles, but by lowering inflammation in the body which can contribute to muscle spasms and other chronic inflammation issues. 


Not only do I use magnesium in my spray, but I also add my own distilled hydrosols. What is a hydrosol you may ask?

It is a herbal, floral or plant water that has been distilled trapping the healing properties of the plant into the distilled water, allowing us to benefit from its medicinal properties in addition to the magnesium. 

Instead of diluting the magnesium flakes in plain distilled water, (like most magnesium sprays are), I choose to do so with the hydrosols for extra benefits. 

All my magnesium oil spray lotions contain rosemary hydrosol.

Applied topically (to the skin), rosemary is used to treat muscle pain and arthritis and improve circulation. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory and pain- relieving properties you can benefit from by massaging it on the affected area. Use it for headaches, sprains, muscle soreness or pain, rheumatism or arthritis.

Rosemary is often used to increase concentration and memory, and to relieve stress, by lowering cortisol levels and helping to reduce anxiety. High cortisol levels are caused by stress, anxiety or any thought or event that puts your body in "fight-or-flight" mode. When stress is chronic, cortisol can cause weight gain, oxidative stress, high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Take your magnesium to a whole new level by combining the medicinal properties of plant hydrosols...

Thank me later😘