Chakra Bottle pendant with 20" adjustable cord


Created with high vibrational energy, love, and intention, these pendants help to cleanse and balance your chakras.

Jasper chips represent the Root chakra, which governs safety, survival, grounding, stability, and comfort.

Carnelian chips represent the Sacral chakra, which governs emotions, creativity, sensuality, sexuality and pleasure.

Citrine chips represent the Solar Plexus chakra, which governs strength, ego, power, digestion and self esteem.

Green Adventurine chips represent the Heart chakra, which governs peace, acceptance, compassion, kindness and Love (including self love)

Lapis Lazuli chips represent the Throat chakra, which governs communication, expression, honesty and purification.

Amethyst chips represent the Third Eye chakra, which governs intuition, imagination, visualization and clairvoyance.

Clear quartz chips represent the Crown chakra, which governs knowledge, fulfillment, spirituality and self realization.

Over time, any energies of a lesser vibration will become stored in the stones and require cleansing.
We have made this simple for you to cleanse and recharge, as each pendant bottle also includes Atlantic Ocean water from Downeast Maine.

Simply put the bottle in an East facing window before moonrise time and leave for 24 hours to capture the full benefits of cleansing and recharging from both the moon and sun. This is recommended at least once a month.