Itch Out Rash Blaster Salve


Remember that swarm of browntail moth caterpillars earlier this spring?
Well guess what?...
It's about to happen again.🫣
This time I'm ready though💯
I have the biggest most beautiful flush of
Jewelweed all around my house, and let me put two and two, together for you...
Jewelweed is amazing for getting rid of, what I call The Itchies...
Poison Ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, bug bites, and yup, Browntail moth rash as well.
I've also added some other ingredients, such as yarrow, plantain, and chickweed, frankincense resin and last, but not least peppermint. 
This time, I'll be prepared, and you can be too.

All products organically made, so you need not worry about applying those unnecessary chemicals, petroleums and parabens that you find in many over the counter treatments.